

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chore Contract

This was an idea I had to help keep the family united with the needs of the home. It's a contract/chore guidelines. The whole family sits together and reviews what their needs are within the home. It gives a sense of relief for the uptight cleaning nut, and and gives the loosy goosey a steak in the ground helping to keep them on track, making all members of the family happy.


1.We will be able to have unannounced company without shame.
2.Any co-inhabited area's of the home will be treated with respect for each member of the family utilizing the space.
3.Everyone is responsible for preparing quality meals and cleaning up afterward. Leftovers are to be put away, dishes in the dishwasher, counters cleared and wiped.
4.Pet's eat dinner at 8am and 8pm daily. Whoever is home at this time, or as close as possible to this time is responsible for their bedtime routine of dinner, potty, and kennels.
5.Laundry is to be done as needed. It is never acceptable to leave clean laundry unfolded.
6.Quick cleans are to be done daily. Spend 10 to 15 minutes putting away any clutter. This includes shoes, dishes, laundry, and trash.
7.Our major bi-weekly chores are moping the kitchen, basement, and bathrooms. Vacuuming all carpeted areas including basement and porch. Scrubbing bathrooms. Dusting surfaces. Mowing/weed whacking lawn, maintaining hedges and garden beds. A schedule with slight flexibility will be set up for these chores. I will see to it that they are completed regularly.
8.All mail will be filed in a timely manor by the person by which the letter's are addressed.
9.Prior to each season we will discuss any needs our home has for the upcoming months. A list will be complied, discussed, and a date set for completion of each project. I will make every effort to meet these deadlines without excuse.
10.Chores will be done thoroughly and with love for our family.
11. At the end of each work day and beginning of each off day I promise to meet the needs of my family and home before beginning any personal time or projects for the evening.

I promise to do my absolute best to keep to these guidelines.
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

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